Tech Tip: Customize Microsoft Office Quick Access Toolbar

TMicrosoft Office Quick Access Toolbarhere is an easy way to save time and effort when using Microsoft Office 2010 programs on Windows. Instead of searching through ribbons and menus simply add shortcuts to frequently used commands on the Quick Access Toolbar.

The Quick Access Toolbar is located at the top left of Microsoft Office 2010 programs. Simply click the down arrow to the right of the first row of icons in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or other Microsoft Office program. You can then toggle which icons are currently visible in the Toolbar or choose the More Commands… menu for a full list of commands that can be added.

This can be a great time saver if you insert dates into documents or use print preview often. These options become available at one click instead of several. Try it out and add your favourite command to the toolbar for quick access.

Last Updated on September 3, 2015 by Nathan Vidal

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