Looking back at 2011

At the end of the year SeizerStyle Designs usually reviews our achievements and shortcomings and creates new goals for the new year. We have reviewed our experiences in 2011 before the calendar year has completely ended so that we can start off fresh in the new year with new goals and a renewed focus. It is sometimes difficult to look back at your mistakes and shortcomings but it is by acknowledging them and learning from them that we can truly improve.

The Good

2011 was the year that SeizerStyle Designs really embraced social networking. We were reluctant to at first, favoring the more traditional approach of controlling our identity via our official website. However the popularity and impact of social networks is so overwhelming that we decided that we have to reach our target audience wherever they may be rather than just expecting them to find us. Thus, SeizerStyle Designs Network was formed and it now incorporates our blogfacebook.com/seizerstyle, Twitter, Google +, and Linkedin pages. We now leverage the unique features and audiences of each individual social site to best represent us on the web.

This year we also made strides in offering more features and control to our website design clients. All our client websites now have associated analytics features which can provide the client with valuable website statistics on visitors as well as search engine optimization.

The Bad

With the rise of social networking comes the challenge of providing regular updates to keep your content relevant. This content has to be of quality so as not to be discarded as just noise. This is an area that we have had problems wit in the past and continue to struggle with on some fronts. In that respect our portfolio is not fully populated with all our work. There are also issues which we have to consider such as client privacy before putting up designs we have created on our websites.

Expansion in 2011 was not as pronounced as we expected. Projects we expected to be launched this year had to be pushed back. We are also still looking to collaborate with other website and graphic designers on various projects which have not been made public yet. So far we have not been able to forge any working alliance.

The Ugly

Earlier this year this blog almost got axed because it was underutilized. Thankfully the decision was made to keep it active and give it more attention.

Overall 2011 was not a year of trials and exploring new avenues. This attitude of adaptability has made us a more versatile company and better equipped to handle the challenges of 2012.

Last Updated on May 25, 2016 by Nathan Vidal

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