Throughout the months of May and June we have revamped our website at We have also utilized an advertising campaign on Facebook to increase awareness of our brand by directing visitors to our Facebook page at We would like to welcome all our new fans and thank all existing fans for your continued support. We continue to learn and improve and these changes are reflected in these website updates:
SeizerStyle Designs (
- Added dropdown menus to navigation (requires no javascript and navigation still works without it making it accessible).
- Added breadcrumbs navigation under titles of pages (increases usability and accessibility).
- Improved content organization of Website Design and Graphic Design landing pages (including separate portfolio pages).
- Changed format of front page to highlight services offered first as well as current special offers.
- Replaced News section of site with posts from SeizerStyle Designs Blog to eliminate redundancy and have centralized information dissemination.
- Launched Redo My Logo graphic design special offer.
- Launched Remix My Website website design special offer.
SeizerStyle Designs Blog (
- Added pages for specific blog categories (news, websites, graphics, tech tips, opinions & ideas).
- Added links to external positive sites.
Last Updated on July 24, 2015 by Nathan Vidal
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