Tech Tip: Use different profiles in Google Chrome

Chrome differentt profiles

A limitation of modern browsers in recent times has been that you can only log into a website under one identity at a time. That means if you are logged in to GMail your friend would have to log you out in order to check his email in GMail. The two Google Accounts could not be accessed simultaneously unless you used an  incognito window or  used different browsers. Thanks to changes made in Google Chrome this is no longer the case.

The latest version of Google Chrome allows  you to manage multiple identities directly from the browser window. The advantage of this method is that different users can use the same browser without interfering with each other’s settings or tabs. History and preferences are remembered rather than being lost at the end of each session like incognito windows. This is also a great feature for those of us who have separate identities for work and personal use.

How to switch profiles in Google Chrome

To switch profiles click on your name on the button a the top right of the browser window.

Google Chrome Profiles 1

This will open a menu where you can choose to either switch user or go incognito

Google Chrome Priofiles

If you choose to Switch person the Chrome profile manager window will open where you can add another user profile, remove existing ones or browse as a guest.


Each profile uses its own separate window and once the user is done with the profile the window can simply be closed. This is an ideal feature for those who share computers or work with multiple email or social accounts.


Manage multiple Chrome profiles

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