Keeping track of time spent on projects is useful if you charge clients by the hour or simply want to measure your productivity. You want your system of time tracking to be both accurate and easy to use – allowing you to go ‘off the clock’ when personal interruptions occur or you just need a break. We have already given the run down on using Yast to track time spent on projects, but you can also use another service called Toggl.
Toggl has a very simple interface where you can describe the task, select the project it falls under and even associate the project with a client. You can start using Toggl as soon as you log in or set up your projects, clients and team before you start using the web application. You can also download the Toggl Desktop app for either Windows or Mac to use the time management features without having to use the Toggl website.

Although Toggl is free you can purchase a subscription to access additional features so you can set your billable rate, set a bigger team size and view rounding and decimal figures in reports.
Last Updated on September 4, 2015 by Nathan Vidal
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