Tech Tip: Take screenshots in Firefox using Lightshot Add-on

Screenshot of Lightshot add-on

Lightshot Add-on In ActionThere are times when you just need to take a screenshot of something on a website you are visiting. It could be the receipt for the transaction you have just completed or the funny conversation on Facebook or Twitter. The Lightshot add-on for Firefox allows you to easily select a specific section of the screen which you can save as an image or copy to the clipboard.

The beauty of this add-on is not only in it’s simplicity but also in it’s ease of use. You can add text, draw lines or add arrows and rectangles to the selected screen area before you save, print copy or upload it. You can also search for similar images on Google directly from the add-on. This add-on is a handy tool for anyone who needs to grab pictures from a website. We use this tool to grab screenshots of websites we have designed to include in our clients’ user manuals.

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