It’s the middle of summer and depending on the type of business you do this could be your slow period or your most hectic period. If it’s your slow period this is a great time to get your marketing geared up for the rest of the year. If it is a busy time for you, ensuring that your website and social media presence is active and updated can help minimize the number of questions you have to answer, freeing you up for other duties.SeizerStyle Designs has been busy this month updating Client Handbooks, monitoring client websites and looking for new partners to do business with.
Updated Client Handbooks
Our website design clients now have access to a comprehensive guide to their website resources through our Client Handbooks. These manuals not only explain how your website works but also includes instructions of updating and maintaining your website using the content management system it is created with. We have created Client Handbooks for our new clients and have also updated the Handbooks of current clients to include the latest information. Our Client Handbooks are a great resource for understanding your website and how to utilize it effectively to promote your business and serve your customers. These Handbooks bear the SeizerStyle Designs branding merged with the branding of the client it caters for to signify a unified goal of satisfying our clients’ needs.
More Accurate Metrics on Google Analytics
We recently noticed some activity by bots on many of our website statistics which skewed some of the metrics available to our clients on Google Analytics. These bots crawl websites and inflate the bounce rate because they simulate a user visiting a single page then leaving the site. This may seem trivial but it actually affects how you measure the success of your website search engine optimization. We have put measures in place to exclude these bots and display more realistic metrics in Google Analytics for our clients’ web properties.
Looking for business partners
We continue to look for business partners with complementary services to our website design, graphic design and marketing offerings. These include but are not limited to web hosts, printers and advertising agencies Our goal is to provide the best quality of service to our clients and we are constantly looking for business partners who can help us accomplish this goal. If you think you suit the bill feel free to contact us.
Add us on Skype
SeizerStyle Designs prides itself on being accessible via various forms. Feel free to add us on Skype to contact us via instant message, call or video call. Our Skype username is seizerstyledesigns.
Last Updated on April 12, 2019 by Nathan Vidal
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