Here are 2 more 2012 calendars from SeizerStyle Designs in landscape orientation (11″ x 8.5″).
767 is a patriotically themed calendar adorned in many of the same colours as the Dominica flag. The colorful design makes it stand out while the symbolism of the these colours will not be lost on anyone familiar with Dominican culture. The design is named “767” after the area code of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Curtain Call pops out of a dark red and black background to portray a mellow calendar with a soothing yellow background. This design puts the dates of the calendar at the forefront to make it quick and easy to read.
This set of calendars is also our first set to highlight SeizerStyle Design Network pages which are our blog, and Twitter page.
Last Updated on January 25, 2016 by Nathan Vidal
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